Bubbly Tots Learning Center is a private Childcare PreSchool located at 963 Manor Blvd, San Leandro, CA 94579 . Our school has an enrollment capacity of 72 children.
The inside area is 3500 square feet with four separate classrooms, each with separate restrooms. The outdoors area is 10,000 square feet, offering a big playground with lots of play structures, shade trees and canopies. The facility is big and clean, fully air-conditioned with separate rooms for children of different age groups.
Bubbly Tots Learning Center program is designed to serve Toddlers, pre-school, and pre-Kindergarten children. Our school is committed to the concept of whole child by providing programs and learning activities appropriate in a Challenging, Creative and Motivating environment.
We believe that every child is a unique individual and possess different learning style. At our school we take this into consideration and provide a high quality, developmentally appropriate program in which children are encouraged to develop and blossom. Our daily practices have consistency and incorporate emergent curriculum which stimulates each child’s unique interests, curiosity and sense of discovery.
All the Staff members at Bubbly Tots Learning Center undergo extensive medical, criminal, and FBI Finger-printing background checks. They are trained in CPR and First Aid to ensure each child’s safety and hold certification or degree in Early Childhood Education.
Welfare of the children is of utmost importance and therefore we employ nurturing teachers and caregivers, who understand stages of child development, respect the needs of families and promote cultural diversity.
Our Staff aims at guiding and providing a promising learning environment full of love and care for all children by implementing the concept of “whole child” and focusing on physical, social, emotional, personal and cognitive development.
Bubbly Tots Learning Center welcomes children of all ethnic, racial and cultural backgrounds. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, religion, or marital status in any aspects of our operations, policies and procedures.